Recruitment - choose your package

When to use us

  • If you do not know or are unsure how to create effective advertising
  • If you want to save time and money when paying for advertisements
  • When you need partial support from a recruitment agency to reach a specific target group

What it contains

  • Addressing your target group - know regional and industry specifics
  • Creating an effective advertisement that will reach out to and be responded to by relevant candidates
  • Advertisements under your company's headline, or for a discreet search, under an Advantage Consulting headline
  • Advertising on more than 22 of the largest portals for 1 month
  • Advertising on portal (32,240 unique visits / month)

What you get

  • Professionally and precisely set ads which match the target audience
  • Advertisements on selected portals without the loss of time on administrative work
  • Cost savings through a discounted price for AC, an average of 63%.

Most common use

  • Lower working positions, service positions
  • For example: driver, factory worker, cook, gardener, electrician, …


S personální agenturou Advantage Consulting spolupracujeme formou využití služby AC Contact, zaměřenou na inzerci pozic. Protože potřebujeme rychle obsadit místa v restauračním provozu – jako jsou kuchaři, číšníci, pomocný personál, jeví se pro nás tato forma jako nejvíce efektivní. Sestavení akčního inzerátu a jeho následná publicita na webových serverech probíhá velmi promtně. A již v řádu několika dnů získáme velké množství relevantních CV, ze kterých následně vybereme zaměstnance. Neztrácíme tak čas tím, že bychom si inzerci zajišťovali vlastními silami.

Michal Prachař

chef and co-owner of the restaurant BORGO AGNESE

When to use us

  • When you need to fill a specific position
  • When looking for administrative staff
  • When you do not have the time or energy to go through dozens of CVs
  • When you want employees, but do not want to deal with the lengthy selection process

What it contains

  • A detailed analysis of the given position and the ideal profile of the candidate
  • An advertisement on more than 22 of the largest portals
  • Accessing and addressing candidates from our internal database (more than 250,000 active contacts)
  • Selection of the most suitable candidates according to required criteria
  • Organization and provision of the selection procedure with you and your candidates
  • Providing and ensuring effective two-way feedback
  • Satisfaction verification after the arrival of a new employee

What you get

  • Candidates who will have already been interviewed and will have met the required criteria
  • Saving time - By not having to read and choose from many CVs
  • A new employee

Most common use

  • Lower working positions, administrative positions, call centers
  • For example: production operator, warehouseman, CNC operator, assistant director, receptionist, accountant,...


S personální agenturou Advantage Consulting spolupracujeme dlouhodobě na obsazování většiny technických pozic, které jsou klíčové pro naši výrobu (seřizovači lisu, technik údržby forem atd.). Především díky balíčku AC Operativ jsme získali velmi rychle kvalitní kandidáty na velký objem poptávaných pracovních pozic z naší strany. Vysoká kvalita těchto kandidátů nás přesvědčila o tom, že služby, které poskytuje personální agentura Advantage Consulting, opravdu naplňují poptávané požadavky a reagují na potřebu klienta přesně na míru. A to vše v krátkém časovém horizontu. Ráda bych poděkovala za úsilí, které nám opakovaně projevujete.

Mgr. Michaela Wolfová

HR manager - MAIER CZ, s.r.o.

When to use us

  • When you need help with recruiting the right employee
  • If you do not have your own personnel department
  • When you do not have the time or the desire to go through dozens of CVs
  • When you need professional support and advice in choosing applicants

What it contains

  • A detailed analysis of the given position and the ideal profile of the candidate
  • An advertisement on more than 22 of the largest portals
  • Accessing and addressing candidates from our internal database (more than 250,000 active contacts)
  • Use all available resources on the market, including LinkedIn
  • Selection of the most suitable candidates according to required criteria
  • Personal interviews with candidates, possible testing
  • Organization and provision of the selection procedure with you and your candidates
  • Providing and ensuring effective two-way feedback
  • Verification of references for selected candidates
  • Satisfaction verification after the arrival of a new employee

What you get

  • The right new employee
  • Significantly saving time and personnel work
  • Professional assistance throughout the selection process

Most common use

  • Technical positions, THP, middle management, business positions, etc.
  • For example: Designer, Process Engineer, Developer, Project Manager, Branch Manager, Key Account Manager, …


Se společností Advantage Consulting, s.r.o. spolupracujeme od poloviny roku 2013 v rámci balíčku AC SPECIALIST. Spolupráce proběhla vždy zodpovědně a na vysoké profesionální úrovni. Uchazeči vyhovovali zadaným požadavkům a stanoveným kritériím na danou pozici. Na základě výborné spolupráce a doporučení kvalitních uchazečů předpokládáme spolupráci s firmou Advantage Consulting, s.r.o. i do budoucna.

Ing. Marcela Dekařová Strapková

OTIS a.s. Břeclav

When to use us

  • When you want to reach out to a particular person or group and you do not know, or are unsure how to go about it
  • When you plan to tempt employees from competitors
  • When you're looking for a person for a particular job but you do not want anyone to know about it

What it contains

  • Assigning a professional headhunter who consults with you on your options
  • Determining the target candidate / group of candidates
  • Reporting on specific steps and practices of headhunters and individual candidates
  • Detailed information on the motives and needs of potential candidates to change jobs
  • Organizing and arranging interviews with candidates
  • Communicating through all the necessary features on both sides
  • Help building an appropriate offer
  • Confidentiality throughout the process
  • Salary and benefits survey

What you get

  • Overview of the situation for a particular market position
  • The specific employee you want
  • Protecting your company's reputation

Most common use

  • Position of highly specialized staff, senior managerial positions
  • For example: directors, managers …


„Na personální agenturu Advantage Consulting jsme se obrátili při hledání zaměstnance na pozici výkonného ředitele. Díky balíčku AC Manager jsme získali Headhuntera, který s námi připravil podrobný profil, vytipoval ideální kandidáty a diskrétně je oslovil. Díky vysoce profesionálnímu přístupu vedení náborového procesu jsme získali kvalitního a spolehlivého zaměstnance na vysokou manažerskou funkci. Oceňujeme zejména velmi dobrou znalost podmínek a vynikající úroveň komunikace, flexibilní a vstřícný přístup.”

Mgr. David Šeich Předseda a statutární člen

Unie malých a středních podniků ČR

When to use us

  • When planning a recruitment campaign and your own HR or personnel department has no capacity
  • When you need to be sure to observe and abide by recruitment terms and laws
  • When you know the benefits of outsourcing services - time is money
  • When you do not yet have experience recruiting large numbers of specialists

What it contains

  • Assignment of one Key Account Manager for your entire campaign
  • Design and implementation of marketing activities targeted at groups of suitable candidates
  • Promotion of your company's brand
  • Use of all available sources of suitable candidates for your company to reach out to
  • A team of professionally trained consultants working only with your positions
  • Personal interviews with candidates, possible testing
  • Organization and provision of a selection procedure with you and your candidates
  • Obtaining and providing two-way feedback
  • Verification of references for selected candidates
  • Satisfaction verification after the arrival of a new employee
  • Regular reporting of progress and recruitment status
  • Salary and benefits survey
  • Binding deadlines for filling vacancies

What you get

  • Professionally driven recruitment with regular and clear reporting
  • Filling positions within any agreed time frames
  • Ensure you have advertisements for your company
  • Actual job market feedback for your professional field and geographical location

Most common use

  • Recruiting more people to the same position, the entire department, etc.
  • For example: manufacturing operators, call centers, HUB, BIC, ...


Konica Minolta Business Solutions Czech, spol. s r.o.

John Crane Sigma a.s.

Are you looking for an agency, that does its job really good?

Contact Gabriela

Mgr. Gabriela Hansliková 

+420 775 787 340