How willing are Czechs to relocate for work?

The number of people in the Czech Republic who commute to work is growing significantly. Willingness to commute grew mainly as a result of the economic crisis, when commuting became the only option for many people to find interesting work.

"Also, a generation has come of age that is more focused on their careers and for whom commuting to work is normal", says Olga Hyklová, owner and COO of AC JOBS.

In the Czech Republic, the largest number of commuters (36%) travel less than half an hour. Another 33% spend 30-60 minutes on their commute, while the remaining 31% are on the road for over an hour a day.
For employees in the Czech Republic, commuting to work is often a condition for getting a better job and better pay. People who show flexibility and are not bothered by a daily commute often achieve a higher standard of living. According to a survey, omen in the Czech Republic are surprisingly more flexible in this regard. Seventy-five percent of women would leave their homes because of work, compared with 67% of men. The results indicate that women are beginning to assert themselves in the labour market to a far greater extent, are more ambitious and, logically, are thus more willing to adapt to their employers’ requirements.

In the case of the generation of younger people entering the labour market, it is clear that there is a rising focus on having a career often with the necessity of relocating as opposed to staying in the region where they are from, finding a job at the local level and having a more certain family life. “University graduates see working outside of the place where they live primarily as an opportunity to gain new experience, career growth and better pay, and to choose their employer according to the brand,” adds Olga Hyklová. People with basic or vocational education temporarily relocate only during the work week; according to the survey, less than half of them are willing to permanently relocate. Conversely, three-fourths of those with university education would permanently relocate and 48% would even move abroad.